
I do not own any of the pictures that you will find on this site, unless stated otherwise. They belong to their respective owners. I do not have the links to the people who captured the images. If I did, then I would leave a link. Just know that I am NOT the person who took these pictures.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Things For My Other Sto

These are pictures for my other story, Black Is Back. I hope you guys enjoy reading it too!!

This is Courtney O'Daire.

This is Mai Jensen.

Maria Fernandez.

Harry! XD

Sadie. :D

Sadie's eye color.


Random Things I Haven't Uploaded Yet

Okay, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated much! Here are the pictures of other things that I should have uploaded a LONG time ago!

This is Ari's dress for when she's training and has that heart-to-heart talk with Caspian. :)

These are Ari's shoes when she's training.

This is Ari's armor. 

Ari's leather bracers. 

 Ari's nightgown in chapter 27.

Edmund's shirt in chapter 27.

Edmund's pants in chapter 27.

Edmund's shirt in the "Raid" scene.

Susan's dress in chapter 27.

Ari's dress in chapter 27.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Alternate Ari Picture

This is another picture of how I imagine Ari... Found it one day, and I just had to post it... XD


Friday, April 1, 2011

New Chapter!

For those of you who follow the blog, I have a new chapter up. Fanfiction has been acting up lately, so I don't know if all of you have gotten emails telling you about the new chapters. I know it hasn't been sending me emails telling me that I have messages, so that's why it takes so long for me to get back to everyone.

Oh! And look at the new countdown on the side. :D For those of you who are Hunger Games fans... XD


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Here are the pictures mentioned in the chapter with the treasure room.. Sorry it took so long to post them!!

Edmund's Cloak

Edmund's first outfit with overcoat

Edmund's first outfit without overcoat

Lucy's Cloak
Lucy's first dress

Peter's cloak

Peter's first outfit with overcoat

Peter's first outfit without overcoat

Susan's cloak

Susan's first dress

Ariana's cloak

Ariana's first dress

St. Finbar's School Uniform.

 Ari's dagger

 Ari's sword

Susan's dagger


Second Time Around Information

I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update the blog!! I've been extremely busy with things lately. I've had school competitions and some family issues, and I've just had a lot going on.

Anyways, I've posted thirteen chapters of my story so far. I just now posted the thirteenth chapter, so I shouldn't have any reviews for that one yet. XD

I want to thank everyone who has stayed with me so far! This story is a much darker one than my last one was. There are a lot more emotional scenes, and a lot more dramatic overall.

I'll be posting pictures soon of what their clothes look like, so that's another thing you won't have to wait for...


Thursday, February 17, 2011


So, The Reason Why is now complete! :) I've already posted three chapters of the sequel, and I have about 20 reviews. :)

The sequel's going to be a lot more...dramatic than my first story. Tension is running high between everyone, including Edmund and Ariana. Yes, they love each other completely, but their relationship has hit a tense moment. Peter's tense because he feels like he has to prove himself all over again. Caspian is tense because he feels he has to prove he can lead the Narnians just as well as the Pevensies did. Lucy is tense because no one believes her. Susan is tense and frustrated because she just got used to being in England again, and then she was snatched back to Narnia. Ari is in a different situation, but we'll get to that later... :P

Anyways, I've been typing quite a bit lately, so you shouldn't have to wait too long between updates. :) So, just keep on reviewing like you have been, and I'll keep the updates coming. :D

Thanks for looking at the blog, and for reading my stories!! :D


Other Pictures

These are other things that I never posted pictures of. XD

This is Ari's engagement ring. :)

This is Ari's Wedding band. :P

Here's Edmund's wedding band...

Edmund's hunting clothes....

Ari's hunting clothes.

Lucy's hunting clothes...

Peter's hunting clothes...

Susan's hunting clothes. They're a little bit more elegant than Ari and Lucy's, but Susan is more girly that they are, so I thought it would fit.

This is the Professor's mansion. :P

This is sorta what I thought the Pevensie's house would look like... Not exact, but close enough. :P

This is what I imagined Edmund sorta looked like... Just imagine it with black hair. :)

Here's what Lucy looked like to me. :D

Susan... :D

Peter... Just imagine him with blonde hair. XD I imagined him to be more..brawny than Edmund. Edmund is tall, lankly, wiry, while Peter has more muscles than Edmund... I guess that is the only way I could explain it.. XD

 This is Ari. :)

This is Ari's crown. :) I thought it should be simple, but elegant. Not as 'flashy' as Susan's, but not as simple as Lucy's... You know what I mean?